As soon as I return I want to become proficient in the use of the PB. In my experience it is best for me just to dive in and start using it. I often project images of our class blog or wiki so I can demonstrate how to do something or show a really good comment from a student. I see myself doing simple things like this initially just to get used to using it and for my students to get used to seeing me use it. There are great interactive math sites that I can use on the board I can also use initially. Then I am anxious to begin to plan with the PB in mind. I want to write math or science lesson plans as PB files so that there is much more interactivity in my classroom. I think it would be ideal if the students were using it as well, but with the SmartBoard, it was very difficult to have more than one student at a time use it. Some thoughts for math and science:
- Interactive manipulatives for math using EM Games or the Virtual Manipulatives math site.
- Math warm up - Putting a system in place where I put my warm up on the PB and begin my lesson there.
- Science videos with students circling key parts that demonstrate a concept.
- Class created files throughout a science unit beginning with KWL, adding concepts, ending with key points, vocabulary. This way, when I want to teach it next year, I have a document of what I did.
- Virtual Science Notebook?