I was tagged by Jeff O'Hara to do a Bucket List for 2008. A variation on resolutions I suppose and I'm sure much more entertaining than the movie of the same name... (never getting those 90 minutes back.) A Bucket List is a list of all the things that Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are going to do before they kick the bucket. This list consists of some things that I want to accomplish in '08.
Here they are:
- Continue to build a network of like-minded educational technology folks.
- Continue to dab in the role of trainer in educational technology.
- Present at Learning 2.0 a Colorado Conversation in February and TIE in June, just to push my comfort zone.
- Explore these possibilities while still being an effective fourth grade teacher.
- Expand my formal education... Masters in Educational Technology, Doctorate? Decide whether this is even necessary to expand my learning.
- Encourage a sense of wonder and love for learning in my own children (this is number 1)