Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bucket List

I was tagged by Jeff O'Hara to do a Bucket List for 2008. A variation on resolutions I suppose and I'm sure much more entertaining than the movie of the same name... (never getting those 90 minutes back.) A Bucket List is a list of all the things that Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are going to do before they kick the bucket. This list consists of some things that I want to accomplish in '08.

Here they are:

  1. Continue to build a network of like-minded educational technology folks.
  2. Continue to dab in the role of trainer in educational technology.
  3. Present at Learning 2.0 a Colorado Conversation in February and TIE in June, just to push my comfort zone.
  4. Explore these possibilities while still being an effective fourth grade teacher.
  5. Expand my formal education... Masters in Educational Technology, Doctorate? Decide whether this is even necessary to expand my learning.
  6. Encourage a sense of wonder and love for learning in my own children (this is number 1)

1 comment:

Emily Taylor said...

It's been a long time since I visited your blog! I am very impressed with both this blog and your classroom blog. You have done an amazing job of incorporating your blog and twitter into the daily workings of your classroom. I'd like to sit down and have you tell me about it sometime (in all your spare time).