Sunday, May 10, 2009

Students' India Presentations

Students recently were given the task of studying another culture for our "Cultural Comparisons" unit. Originally, I was going to have students do a voicethread, but with some recent technical difficulties I had, I decided to have students make a presentation through Google Docs. Students were separated into groups to study a different aspect of the Indian culture: Money and Education, Geography and Climate, Food, Diet and Health, or Family Structure and Traditions. I put together a presentation with the questions that they had to answer, and each group had to find or create a visual to go along with their information. The final product looks pretty good. I would have liked students to be able to access the presentation without having to sign them in. I also had intended to embed this in our class blog so students could comment on their work, but the unit ended before I got to that step. We may still do this in the last couple of weeks that are remaining as a review of their fourth grade work.
Cultural Comparisons IB Planner

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