Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Productive Day

With summer here, I am finally able to relax a little and reflect on last year. More importantly, I am able to recharge and plan for next year. I spent much of this last year integrating technology into my classroom and it has been transformational. At the beginning of the summer, I spent 3 days exchanging ideas with our new batch of Global Learners and then another 2 doing technology PD . I am thankful for the opportunity to be on the "other side" and training. I think that the experience of teaching others about blogs, wikis, Smartboards, has clarified the purpose of these tools in the first place. I am presenting at TIE in Copper Mountain on the 27th on blogs and wikis in the elementary classroom. Aside from that, I am looking forward to NOT thinking so literally about these tools for a while and letting things settle.

How do I check out for a while without going completely off the grid? I stumbled upon a great project that was happening on Flickr that I am going to do my own version of. 366 photos asked participants to take a picture a day for a year (leap year) and publish it to the Flickr group. I am way behind the curve on this one, but was interested in the idea. Hanging out with my kids in the backyard today, I thought that I would do my own version on this blog to keep this thing alive over the summer by taking a picture a day. Why does this belong on my "world learners" blog? What if students did a picture every day of the school year? What if room24 did a picture a day for a year? What would it reveal about our journey? What would it reveal about what is important to kids? What picture would they choose to represent their day?

Today, I had a very productive day. I took my kids to art camp, brought them home and took a nap with my 6 year old on the couch, pushed the swing a few hundred times, went to the library (twice) and had dinner out with the family... perfect.

1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...


Cool idea! Cab't wait to see what your photos look like this summer.

Have a restful summer.
