Monday, August 27, 2007


Ironic is the word I would use to describe today's introduction to the solar system.

I had asked my students to name a system so we could talk about the necessary components in a system and how if one component wasn't working the whole system breaks down. I had great plans to do this on my SmartBoard and it wasn't orienting correctly! (My system broke down.) I went old-school and made a list on my Not So Smart Board with Expo pens. As we were having this great discussion I commented that this would be great if my SmartBoard were working. With the encouragement from my students, I gave it one more try and it worked. I still don't know what the issue was.

This was the first time using it in a lesson, and I was playing with tools as I went. The screen shade is a great one. There is another screen where we created a list of all of the parts of the solar system that they currently know. I am planning on using this to compare what we know now to what we know at the end of the unit. I am realizing that a great benefit to the SmartBoard is the ability to capture everything that would normally be lost on the white board or on pages of flip chart paper. Capturing and sharing ideas on blogs like this one is great as well.

1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...

Did your students respond well to the smart board? While you had a hiccup at the start of the lesson, do you think it was a better introduction to the lesson because you used the Smart Board?

I found this smart lesson from the website:

You have covered everything so far, but I thought the art was kind of cool and maybe you could use the naming and organizing activity. It would be way cool to use the smart video capture feature to capture the students organizing and narrating. How fun would that be to share with parents!

So cool to see the students in action!